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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

mau kulit anjal ? cobalah original collagen dust ! part 2

 bersambung dari entry sebelum ini (aku try untuk wat link, tp x menjadi. Sunggoh, x best hupdate blog guna ini i).
makanya, si hanis telah membalasi emel aku yang kudus ini, sehari selepas itu.  kira cepatla jugak kan? 

Hello, thank you for this email! I will tell you all you need to know about  Collagen Dust!
We have just restocked! We would recommend you to purchase more than 1 bottle (to ensure your own future supply). - membaca je ayat ni, terus aku piki nak order untuk 2 terus. gelojohnya aku. 
How much per bottle of 70g and how long does it last?

RM170 (including Semenanjung postage) RM180 (including Sabah Sarawak postage). Currently no international shipping.

For my personal use, it can last for up to 2-3months. I use it daily.

Not recommended for Pregnant Woman and Kids Below the age of 7. Breastfeeding mom should be okay, it's just a supplement.

How to purchase?

Step 1: Bank in RM170 to my Maybank 164351101931 (Hanis Zalikha Zainal).

Step 2: Refer the transaction to keknis@yahoo.com + screencapture (if you use Maybank2U). Snap the receipt and email me the image if you use manual transfer.

Step 3: Send your details (Name, Location, Contact Number) to keknis@yahoo.com with the subject:COMPLETED. Reminder: If you use someone else's account, please state the name of account holder.

Step 4: Delivery will be done within 1-2weeks depending on stock. We work on first come first serve basis.

For repeat order, please follow the same steps above. Our stock is frequently updated.


Answering frequently asked questions (FAQS)

What is Collagen Dust™?

Collagen Dust™ is actually marine hydrolyzed collagen that is 100% fish protein base product. The results are progressive, it works from within and the longer you stay on the product, the better your results will be. You can say it is an alternative to having collagen and Botox injections.

 Does it work for skin?

Yes, by supplementing internally marine collagen, your skin will improve. Mom been using it for 2years, she’s aging but it doesn’t show (not that fast, at least). Your skin really does get perkier with Collagen Dust™. I believe that my skincare works better thanks to it.

 Does it work for nails and hair?

Yes and yes. Collagen strengthens brittle nails. Hair should also be stronger and more elastic from the result of taking collagen (from ingestion). I use it mainly for hair to be honest, since I am always in and out of the saloon putting chemicals on it T_T. Must. Strengthen. Hair.

 Does it reduce joint and muscle pain?

We have found this to be true. It works for us, my mom the superwoman no longer suffers backache and I no longer find myself lenguh-lenguh lutut at night when I wear my heels for too long during the day.

 Is it HALAL?

Yes, certified. Industry secret: Most beauty products have added some concentrated collagen powder (Collagen Dust™) in their product line. What you’re purchasing is the real deal. Okay lemme copy paste my mom email reply:

“Kolagen yang Kak Nani ambil itu tidak dijual  di pasaran. Kak Nani dapat dari seorang kawan yang supply concentrated marine collagen powder pada syarikat-syarikat kosmetik di Malaysia ni. Contohnya dia supply kat Sendayu Tinggi, product terbaru Chef Wan (Mavellous) dan hampir semua  syarikat product kecantikan di Malaysia ini. Ada status halal. Maklumlah, disupply ke semua syarikat kosmetik orang Melayu di Malaysia ni.

Tetapi penggunaan colegen didalam product mereka sangat sedikit. Manakala yang Kak Nani dapat dari supplier memang pure collagen dan keberkesanannya seratus peratus atau direct.”


 How do I use it?

1-2 teaspoons per day for consumption, highly soluble in cold water (juice/Milo/teh ais), really suitable with liquid food (yoghurt/ice cream etc). DON'T PUT IN HOT WATER. tau kenapa taleh campur ngan hot water?  hanis cakap sebab takut khasiatnya hilang dalam suhu tinggi.  

You can also mix a pinch of Collagen Dust™ with your moisturizer before applying to face. Sprinkle it in your body lotion for perky boobies.

Guna luar dalam for best result. 


Beautify and make yourself youthful with Collagen Dust™.

For tips & testimonials, follow Collagen Dust™ on Twitter: @CollagenDust


sungguh panjang emel yang beliau hantar.  tak heran pon, copy paste je kan? sebab sama dengan apa yang pernah aku jumpa di blog mereka yang mungkin pernah berhubung dengan si hanis. 
seraya menerima emel ini, terus aku order, dan buat bayaran. stok 2 botol ye. hehee... 
mengecek suami untuk memberi wang bayaran, kononnya hadiah hari jadi. sedikit advance. konon... bulan 5 nanti, mintak hadiah lain puiak. kejamnya.
dan sekarang, menanti barang itu sampai kepada aku.
*"you are beautiful, no matter what they say", kata si christina aguilera.

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